Data1Qbit is a mission-driven company. Our mission is to change how cyber security decisions are made and how cyber security solutions are deployed. We believe that if we do this, we will help protect the capitalist economies of the world, and even our way of life. It will also change the power balance between buyers and sellers of cyber security products and this will result in better cyber security decisions. We believe this mission is an important one and will attract great people who share this value.
We also believe that the people who lead this effort and build our technologies are as important as the technologies themselves. Please look at our Board of Advisors and read our Staffing and Offshore Operations plan. You'll see that this will be a company of great people, as well as great technologies.
Data1Qbit Founder

Ray Hutchins
"Data1Qbit may be the most compelling, profitable, and doable cyber security deal in 2015. The cyber security threat is nothing less than a national security threat and Data1Qbit intends to be part of the solution. It can also be part of your economic prosperity. I urge you to carefully look at this unique and timely opportunity and to act promptly to be part of it. Together we can make a difference."
See Ray's BioBoard of Advisors

Vic Ahmed
"I've known Ray for years and support him fully. The Data1Qbit deal is the right idea at the right time and Ray is the right guy to get it done. The collection of cyber security company and product data on this scale will be a market game changer and hugely valuable. I am honored to be part of this effort."
See Vic's bio and connection to Ray

Philippe Brunet
"IMO there will be an insatiable global demand for cyber security company and product data. Beyond the obvious VAaaS benefits, I immediately grasped the value of Data1Qbit's data stream to the insurance underwriting industry. I am happy to be part of this effort and support Ray fully." (Abbreviated-see full testimonial on bio page)
See Philippe's bio and connection to Ray

Nat Kannan
"I have been supporting Ray on this project for over a year, and my own extensive market research into this area convinces me that there will be large scale demand for the VAaaS product and the other cyber security data products that this unique data system will generate. The detailed architecture he has created demonstrates Ray's understanding about how to get this done. He deserves our support."
See Nat's bio and connection to Ray

Carol Kline
"Ray has a well deserved reputation as a cyber security leader. I have known him for some time and have worked with him directly. Ray understands and is able to articulate cyber security problems and solutions better than anyone else I know. The Data1Qbit concept is a huge idea and there will
undoubtedly be a vast market for the data products it will produce. I believe that the concept is the kind where a data monopoly can be created which will make Data1Qbit even more valuable."
See Carol's bio and
connection to Ray

Keith Larson
"I have known Ray for years and we have worked together on countless projects where he has served in a leadership role. I've served in various management roles in large enterprises like Proctor and Gamble and Dupont and Ray's Data1Qbit is desperately needed to help manage the IT supply chain re: security. This may be the most exciting and timely business concept I have seen. I am glad to be part of the team."

Michael Locatis
"This is exactly what CIOs and CISOs need today to validate their data security vendors from the standpoint of supply chain risk. I'm surprised it hasn't been done to date, but Data1Qbit is the exact right idea at the right time. Ray is the guy to get it done and I'll do whatever I can to support him in addressing these huge issues in data security today."

Scott Preble
"As a C-level IT leader, I have been involved in countless vendor assessments and they are a brutal and inherently flawed undertaking. I have been supporting Ray and the development of the VAaaS SaaS application for almost two years and can tell you that his is a service that is desperately needed. IMO there will be a huge market for the VAaaS product and also for current cyber security company and product data of all kinds."
See Scott's bio and connection to Ray

P. A. Subrahmanyam, Ph.D.
"I am convinced that the Data1Qbit IT system has the potential to be an important component in our country’s cyber security infrastructure and Ray Hutchins and this concept needs to be supported by all of us."
See P. A. Subrahmanyam's bio and connection to Ray

Luc Trudel
"After working with him and his architectural team for months on the Data1Qbit system, I can say that for a business leader, Ray’s technical understanding and his ability to lead a technical project such as Data1Qbit are as strong as anything I have seen in my 20+ year technical career. He deserves our full support." (Abbreviated-see full testimonial on bio page)
See Luc's bio and connection to Ray

More Amazing Business Leaders
"Data1Qbit is fortunate to have the support of a remarkable group of business and community leaders. They will be officially announced as part of the team shortly."
More coming soon