Scott is a successful, experienced C-level IT executive and also a visionary entrepreneur. He currently serves as CTO for Open Technology Solutions in Denver and in 2012 was nominated as CIO of the year by the "Denver Business Journal." Scott's impressive technology resume includes serving as CTO for Pepsico-Frito Lay Corporation and MGM Mirage and also as head of infrastructure and operations for Las Vegas Sands Corporation. As an entrepreneur, Scott is the founder of Oversite-Big Data Services and Snarfbox...an innovative, automated network helpdesk appliance.
Relationship with Ray: Ray and Scott have known each other for several years as a result of TiE Rockies. Scott saw the value of the Data1Qbit/VAaaS from the beginning and was instrumental in the early strategy sessions and architecture discussions and connecting Ray with key vendors who helped get the architecture done. His intimate grasp of, and vast experience with, the various issues associated with IT and cyber security procurement and vendor assessment make him a powerful partner and advisor to Ray and the team.